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2nd Molesey Scout Group


The children and young adults who are members of 2nd Molesey are incredibly lucky to enjoy an active programme of diverse events which is organised by our team of section leaders who are all volunteers.

Support from parents and friends of 2nd Molesey is a vital part in the running of all sections of the group. Can you spare a little of your own time to help?

  • there are only a few fundraising events each year but they boost our modest funds and are staffed by volunteer rotas.
  • the children go on District and County events around the area, and of course the hugely popular camping expeditions, but logistics need planning and executing.
  • the Scout Hut and equipment have to be maintained and renewed, major projects have to be planned and funded.
  • every week in term time the leaders run evening meetings for each section – extra helping hands are always welcome.

The Trustee Board works to support the Leaders in keeping our Scout Group equipped, planned and properly funded, but we only meet a few times a year.

You can help us in so many different ways, and we’d love to hear from you with offers of support.

You don’t have to make a regular commitments, whatever you can offer will be welcomed, and I can promise you it will be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

When our leaders are asked why they give up their own spare time for other people’s children the reply will often be “because it makes a difference“.

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Explorer Belt to Sweden
29th October 2024

Explorer Belt Expedition - Sweden

This summer I have taken part in the Explorer Belt to Sweden. This is one of the top Scouting Awards for Explorer Scouts between 16-25 years old,...

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Making a Difference in Molesey (Registered Charity No. 305730)
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of the Scout Association.