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2nd Molesey Scout Group

Our History

The International Scout Movement was founded in 1907 by Lord Baden-Powell, and first came to Molesey in 1912 when a Group started at St Mary’s Church.

In 1926 the Vicar of St Paul’s Church, the Rev’d Hugh McMullen wished to start another group to rival the St Mary’s Scouts.

On 2nd November 1926 a meeting was held at the home of one of the church-goers, Miss Verity, who lived in Palace Road, East Molesey.

2nd Molesey (St Paul’s) Scout Group was formed that evening. Mr Sydney Thomas Nevard was appointed Scoutmaster, Tom Jukes agreed to be his assistant, and Miss Milbourne was appointed the lady Cubmaster with Miss Griffin as her assistant.

On 21st November 1928 2nd Molesey (St Paul’s) Scout Group was officially registered.

In October 2016 we began celebrations of our 90th Birthday Year with an all-group camp.


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Explorer Belt to Sweden
29th October 2024

Explorer Belt Expedition - Sweden

This summer I have taken part in the Explorer Belt to Sweden. This is one of the top Scouting Awards for Explorer Scouts between 16-25 years old,...

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